Game modes (Multiplayer, Single-player, Team mode)
  • 12 Feb 2024
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Game modes (Multiplayer, Single-player, Team mode)

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Article summary

Multiplayer mode (MPM) — is a game mode in which each participant competes with every other participant in the live game.

It’s the most common type of trivia game and is available on all of the myQuiz plans.

To create an MPM quiz, press the Multiplayer tab in the Quiz editor.

Single-player mode (SPM) — is a game mode in which each participant competes with every other participant, but the game isn’t held live. Everyone can play the SPM quiz whenever it is convenient for them during the time the game is made available by an organizer.

It’s commonly used for lead generation campaigns, remote knowledge assessment, and cases where there is no need for engaging a group of participants in real-time.

SPM isn’t currently available in any of the off-the-shelf plans. Please contact sales for a custom quote on SPM.

To create an SPM quiz, press the Singleplayer tab in the Quiz editor.

Try SPM quiz examples

Team Trivia Mode (TTM) — is a game mode in which participants are grouped into teams and teams compete against each other in real-time. Each team gets the average number of points earned by each member of the team.

Participants can be divided into teams by the quiz organizer or randomly upon connecting to the game.

TTM isn’t currently available in any of the off-the-shelf plans. Please contact sales for a custom quote on TTM.

To create a TTM quiz, press the Team mode tab in the Quiz editor.

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