User interface branding
  • 12 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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User interface branding

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Article summary

Apply a custom theme

Go to the Quiz editor. Create a new quiz or edit one of the existing quizzes. Navigate to Settings > What > Game branding theme

Select a theme you want to apply to a quiz from a dropdown list. After you launch the Waiting Screen, the theme will be applied to the quiz. You may need to clear the cache in your browser if it doesn't display automatically.

If you can’t find the theme you have purchased in the dropdown list, please contact

Advanced branding customization

MyQuiz allows customization of game screens according to your specifications. We can add a custom color scheme, logo, game background, leaderboard and projection view screens.

Please contact us to request a branding customization.

Simple branding customization

Go to My profile. Navigate to Branding

Press Create a theme. Input the name of a theme, upload the logo (1200 x 344 px), and select the color scheme. On the right you can preview your theme on both mobile and desktop.

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